Danger! Dinosaurs walking…
With Jurassic Park 3D launching this week! The trailier is available at http://www.jurassicpark.com/. Wait, it gets better… Jurassic Park 4 is launching in about a year. Get ready for the year of the dinosaur and Jurasthe amazing puzzles it inspired.
Although it seems like yesterday, the original movie released in 1993 and was an instant smashing success. Dinosaurs because much cooler to kids, adults, and fans alike. The 3D release should prove to be just as amazing for both nostalgic parents and kids.
Are you planning to visit your local IMAX theater and check out the greatest dinosaur movie of all time? Jurassic Park in 3D! This writer is extremely excited and looking forward to this Spielberg classic remade on the big IMAX screen.
We have a new fun dinosaur product we want to show you too. The Jurassic Park movie inspires Amazing Puzzles. These fun puzzles will challenge you for a few minutes and then entertain you for hours!
Please share your thoughts and have a look at the fun video to see one in action. Who is your favorite dinosaur? Please comment.
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