Tuesday 15th October 2024,
Virginia Toy & Novelty Blog

Browsing the "Industry News" Category

Flash that Smile

Guess what flashes and lights up in your mouth, and brighten up your smile quite literally. They’re the flashing teeth! Flash your enhanced smile to friends and watch their eyes sparkle with excitement. A perfect party gear or an added [...]

September 6, 2013 Industry News, VTN News

Make bubbles not war

Alas, a way to save your breath and make bubbles.  Introducing the amazing bubble blower.  It’s safe, unique, and loads of fun! Every child at some point of time asks for a toy gun, but some parents might be apprehensive to [...]

September 2, 2013 Industry News, VTN News

Beam Me Up with Alien Night Pops

Glow + Candy = Fun! And that’s exactly what we’ve done. Candy is an all time favorite of both, kids and adults. Who wouldn’t like these sweet sugary treats, and what’s more, we have managed to add more fun to [...]

August 30, 2013 Industry News, VTN News
WeGlow Party on Walmart Site

The Patented Party Kit Gains Momentum!

Virginia Beach, VA, August 13, 2013– Virginia Toy & Novelty Company, is an innovative toy, gift, and novelty company based in Virginia Beach. It has successfully made it to the second round of Wal-Mart’s Get On The Shelf ® contest [...]

August 14, 2013 Industry News, VTN News
China Fair

Made “At The Fair” in China

Made “at the fair” in China Where does all this amazing toy and novelty stuff come from? We have all seen the tags and product markings; likely it’s “Made in China”.  In fact, according to a recent report from the [...]

May 2, 2013 Industry News, VTN News

2013 Chinese Labor Forecast

Will your Christmas iPad purchase be a good investment now compared to later next year? Maybe. [...]

December 4, 2012 Industry News