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Fundraising tips and ideas

January 29, 2014 Comments Off on Fundraising tips and ideas

If you have got a noble cause, and need to plan a fundraising ideas for it, we are here to help you with all the tips and ideas essential to make your fundraiser a success. Follow these tips and see your fundraising rocket.


1. Tell people why you are fundraising.

People will be more interested in your fundraiser if they know the story behind it. Make it interesting, and explain in detail why you have chosen the particular charity for your fundraiser, and why is it close to your heart. This will generate an interest and you will be able to connect with the visitors.

2. Get in touch with your charity

Make a point to visit the charity you are planning to donate. They might be able to tell you how your donations will be used; this could help your fundraising invitations, as you will be able to confidently tell the people where their money is going.

Now comes the organizing part. The events to be planned for the fundraiser need to be executed perfectly. Whether it’s your first time, or you are a seasoned pro, fundraisers can be a lot of work if not planned properly.

3. Define your event

For fundraiser events, there are a lot of options in front of you; from a bake sale, to sports event. But avoid generalizing your event; instead focus on just one aspect. Make sure to promote your event by all possible means. Drawing a large crowd will attract even more people to your sale.

4. Know your audience

Take a good look at the events you are planning for your fundraiser and build a profile for your target audience. Think about their interests, what they don’t like. The best fundraising events are those that get your audience excited about.

Low on fun fundraising ideas?

Here are a few to get you started on your fundraising adventure.



1. Cycling: Whether you are cycling around the block or taking the long road around town, cycling event is a great way to kickstart your fundraiser.

2. Wedding: Make your big day someone else’s. Forget wedding gifts; ask for charity donations at your wedding day instead. Your special day would make a huge difference in someone’s life.

3. Bring and buy sale: Put on sale donated or hand made goods. It maybe a cakes, books, homemade jam, anything under the roof which was donated or made with love by your visitors.

4. Give it up! This type of fundraiser is a new trend. Get sponsored to go without something. Give up speaking for a day, computer games for a week, chocolate for a month, or give up magazines.

5. Raffles: Get friends, family or local business to donate prizes and raffle them off.

Fundraising today is pushing boundaries and expanding beyond traditional ways, with a little creativity you can raise more money for your cause and also spend quality time with your friends and family. Overall, the most important thing to keep in mind is to be yourself and have fun – if you’re enjoying yourself and are passionate about your cause, you’re more likely to attract donors who will feel the same way!


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