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Stop the Glow Madness: WeGlow vs. The Other Guys. A look at the glow toys quality.

January 27, 2014 Comments Off on Stop the Glow Madness: WeGlow vs. The Other Guys. A look at the glow toys quality.

“Pay only for what is of use and gives value. Nothing else constitutes quality.”  – Joe L. Griffith

WeGlow vs. The Other Guys is not a real legal case but it should be.  In the business of glow, light up, souvenir and novelty products often quality take a back seat to price and this is a crime!

As the title suggests, this blog is intended to stop the glow madness!  We will focus specifically on the chemical glow product as a conversation starter.  Often glow and light up are put in the same category but certainly they are not.  One operates on batteries, usually moving small motors and illuminating LED lights; another operates on a chemical reaction, often referred to ag glow, or chemiluminescence.  You can check out our other blog about the The History of Glowsticks for some really interesting information on this subject.

The benefits to better quality glow toys are:

  • Glows brighter
  • Glows longer
  • Brighter and longer means more fun!
  • Safer for emergency lighting needs
  • Friends or customers recognize the quality product you’re using/ reselling.

Remember, not all glow is created equal.  As you know, glow products come in various shapes and sizes.  The chemical inside those shapes and sized and specifically the quality and configurations of those specific chemicals inside make a drastic difference to the overall luminescence and longevity of the product.

There are many brands in the marketplace and a near endless supply of website selling glow necklaces, bracelets, and glow lightsticks.  But think before you buy and demand WeGlow Brand glow.

Why WeGlow?   Most common uses of glow products are novelty, entertainment, and fun bright light.  Cheap, low quality glow  toys fails drastically in the fun bright light department.  With the WeGlow Brand, you’ll get a brighter product and also a longer lasting product!  Quality you can see, literally.

WeGlow Brand products claim a 6-8 hours glow life but in reality, WeGlow Brand glow has been known to glow for over 24 hours!  It’s true, try for yourself.


This case is settled, the points are clear, the proof is in the video below.  As C.G. Griffith once said, “Quality isn’t something that can be argued into an article or promised into it.  It must be put there.  If it isn’t put there, the finest sales talk in the world won’t act as a substitute.”

Don’t be fooled by cheap imitations, demand the WeGlow Brand.

Enjoy this funny video below to visually see the difference.

Have you purchased WeGlow toys before? Share your feedback with us and tell us the quality experience you experienced.


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